- The District SCSC Society Ltd., Krishna, Machilipatnam was established in the year 1974 with a view to take up programmes for the economic development of scheduled Caste families in the district. The Corporation was registered under the A.P.Co-Operative society Act in 1974. The Society is under affiliation of AP Scheduled Castes Cooperative Finance Corporation Ltd., Amaravathi.
- SC Population as per 2011 census, in Krishna District (Combined District) 45,17,398 out of which SC population in the district is 8,71,063(4,35,412 are men and 4,35,651 are women). The percentage of SC population is 19.28%.
- During 2022 the Krishna District was Reorganized into 2 Districts 1) Krishna at Machilipatnam and 2) NTR District at Vijayawada.
- 8 Mandals i.e., Kaikaluru, Kalidindi, Mandavalli, Mudinepalli, Agiripalli, Chatrai, Musunuru, Nuzvid Rural and Nuzvid Urban were allocated to Eluru District as a part of Reorganized the Districts.
- The Reorganized Krishna District Population is 17,35,079 out of which SC population in the district is 3,46,989(1,72,677 are men and 1,74,312 are women). The percentage of SC population is 19.99%.
The Corporation has been established with the following main objectives:
- To provide financial assistance for creation of income generating assets to the poor scheduled Caste households for social and Economic development.
- To offer training programmes for skill Developments/ skill up gradation leading to self / wage employment.
- To plug critical gaps of finance in economic support schemes.
- The District SCSC Society Ltd., Krishna, Machilipatnam has been taking up economic support schemes which include purchase of Agricultural Lands, Bore Wells, Pump sets, Milch Animal, Energization of Minor Irrigation Schemes, Schemes under ISB sector and Various trainings Programmes and special emphasis is on Vulnerable sections like Flayers & Tanners, Bonded Labour, Jogins.
- All these schemes are implemented with loan tie up from the banks and directly by the District SC Society and in convergence with line Departments.
- Self-employment schemes with loan under Non-Bank linked sector from the Apex Corporations i.e. National Scheduled Castes Finance and Development Corporation (NSFDC) and National Safai Karmcharis Finance and Development Corporation (NSKFDC), New Delhi are implemented.
- The Corporation Head Office formulates policy in terms of preparing annual Action Plan, Monitors implementation of schemes by way of conducting review meetings, video Conferences. The corporation mobilizes financial resources from Government of India, State Government and other financial institutions and in turn, releases to District SC Societies for implementation of schemes.
- The District SC Societies mobilizes financial resources 15% earmarked funds from the Local Bodies.
- The District SC Societies functioning under the guidance of a committee under the Chairmanship of the District Collector. The day to day affairs managed by the Executive Director who is assisted by two Executive Officers and other supporting staff.
- During 2008-09, the Government have announced LOAN WAIVER SCHEME benefiting 11.37 lakh SC beneficiaries and waived Rs.516.02 Cr loans pertaining to Margin money/ NSFDC/ NSKFDC.
- During 2008-09 (after waiver of the loans), the Government have changed the role of SC Corporation from lending agency to facilitator for providing subsidy @ 50% of the unit cost or Rs.30,000/- for sanction of economic support schemes with the loan linkage from the banks.
- Government have brought in Act No.1 of 2013 on planning, allocation and utilization of financial resources in transparency and accountability for the economic, educational and human development of SCs during the year 2013-14. The Act facilitates allocation of more funds to SC Corporation for taking up economic support schemes in a more focused way for ensuring economic empowerment through sustainable livelihoods to SC individuals and groups.
- In the light of above, the Government have enhanced the subsidy component for economic support schemes and the subsidy component is 60% or Rs.1.00 lakh (which ever less) in case of the self employment schemes vide GO Ms.No.101,SW(SCP-1) Dept., dt. 31.12.2013.
- Government of Andhra Pradesh approved the revival of NSFDC (National Scheduled Castes Finance and Development Corporation) scheme and NSKFDC (National Safai Karmcharis Finance and Development Corporation) scheme and it is implemented from the year 2015-16 onwards.
- Government of Andhra Pradesh have issued Operational Guidelines for implementation of disbursement of Backend Subsidy in the implementation of Welfare schemes vide G.O.Ms .No. 32, Social Welfare (SCP) Department, dt: 19.03.2016 in order to ensure 100% physical existence of the units and it is implemented from the year 2015-16 relating to Bank Linked Schemes.
- For the past 45 years i.e. 1974-75 to 2018-19, the District SCSC Society Ltd., Krishna, Machilipatnam has sanctioned an amount of Rs. 736.39 Crores covering 3,13,554 beneficiaries through Economic support Schemes for upliftment of their livelihood. (Both Bank linked & Non Bank Linked schemes )
Scheme |
Subsidy pattern |
Beneficiary Contribution |
Bank Loan/ Other |
Economic Support Schemes |
60% limited to maximum of Rs.1.00 lakh |
– |
Balance |
Animal Husbandry |
60% limited to maximum of Rs.1.00 lakh |
– |
Balance |
In case of High value units 40% & 35% subsidy on par with industries promotion policy |
2% |
Balance as NSFDC Loan |
In case of High value units 40% & 35% subsidy on par with industries promotion policy |
2% |
Balance as NSKFDC Loan |
Land Purchase Scheme |
75% |
– |
25%NSFDC Loan/ Institutional Finance |
Training / skill up-gradation and other Schemes |
Grant-based (from SCA / ESS) |
– |
– |
Mobile Dispensing Units:
- As part of the Welfare Objectives of the Govt. of A.P towards economic upliftment of SCs, STs, BCs, EBCs and Minorities of the Society and implement Noval Welfare Self Employment Scheme to provide Four Wheeler Mini Truck Mobile Dispensing Unit with a unit cost of Rs.5,81,190/- for sustainable livelihood and economic upliftment of such category of beneficiaries for Door Delivery of Rice and other Essential Commodities at the Door Step of Card Holders under Public Distribution System.
- Under this scheme, 276 SC individuals were identified / Selected by the MPDOs / Municipal Commissioners through Selection Cum Screening Committees during the month November’2020 in combined Krishna District. All the beneficiaries were sanctioned the units and same were delivered during the month of January’2021. The funding pattern is as follows for each vehicle.
Sl No |
Funding Pattern |
Unit Cost for 1 Vehicle |
Unit Cost for 276 Vehicle |
1 |
SC Corporation Subsidy (90%) |
Rs.5,23,071/- |
Rs.14,43,67,596/- |
2 |
Beneficiary contribution (10%) |
Rs.58,119/- |
Rs.1,60,40,844/- |
Total Unit Cost |
Rs.5,81,190/- |
Rs.16,04,08,440/- |
The Provisional allocation of Posts and Personnel of existing Krishna District SCSC Society Ltd., Machilipatnam (Combined District) is yet to be Reorganized as the issue is pending with Finance Department. The existing Executive Director of erstwhile district ie., Krishna District at Machilipatnam is entrusted to look after the responsibilities of Welfare activities of District Scheduled Castes Service Cooperative Society limited to the new district i.e., NTR District at Vijayawada until further orders by the Government.

Sl. No. |
Name of the Officer |
Division / Mandal attached |
Landline |
Mobile |
1 |
B.Chandra Leela |
08672-252412 |
9849905965 |