

Role and Functionality of Department

KRISHNA DISTRICT District Rural Development Agency


The DRDA-VELUGU is working under the administrative control of Chief Executive Officer, Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP) at State Level. At present Sri P.Raja Babu, IAS is holding the post of CEO, SERP, Sri P.Ramachandra Reddy is the Hon’ble Minister for SERP.
There is one project Monitoring units in Krishna District.District Project Monitoring Unit (DPMU) DPMU will be administered by Project Director, DRDA-Velugu having its headquarters at Machiipatnam.



Every individual poor family is able to earn a decent livelihood and it is an integral part of improving (livelihoods) opportunities for the rural poor to meet their priority needs.

Concept of VELUGU:

Address all issues influencing poverty through Social Mobilization & Women empowerment

  • Develop Self Sustained peoples institutions
  • Enhance the Capacities of institutions
  • Development of Social Capita
  • Resource Support
  • Processes
  • Identification of poor families
  • Develop self sustained people institutions
  • Enhance the Capacities of Institutions
  • Development of Social Capita
  • Resource Support
  • Credit Planning
  • Monitoring & Evaluation
  • Sensitive support mechanism


1.Social Security Pension Programme

The Government have started Social Security Pension Programme to enhance the rate of pension for categories OAP, Widow, weavers, Toddy Tappers, Fishermen, Single Women, Traditional Cobblers, ART (PLHIV), Disabled persons, Transgender and Dappu Artists and Dialysis patients (CKDU) and also reduced the qualifying age  criteria for Old Age Pension from 65  to 60 years. The following comprehensive guidelines are proposed under the programme:

The eligibility criteria for sanction of pensions :
S. No Category of pension Eligibility
Common to all categories
From BPL category (White Ration Card Holders), Local resident of the District and not covered under any other pension scheme
1 Old Age 60 years and above  (G.O.Ms.103 dated 30.05.19) and ST category 50 years Go 49 dated 10.02.19.
2 Widow 18 Years and above and widowed
3 Disabled No age limit. Having 40% and above degree of disability.
4 Weavers 50 years and above and member of Weavers society
5 Toddy Tappers 50 years and above.  Members of Toddy Co-operative Societies (TCS) or to an individual tapper under the Tree For Tappers (TFT) scheme
6 ART pensions (PLHIV) 6 months continuous treatment in ART (Anti Retroviral Therapy). Can also be sanctioned as 2nd pension in the family.
7 Dialysis Pension (CKDU) No age limit. Every month Dialysis treatment taken at Government /  Private Hospitals.
8 Transgender 18 Years and above, Gender identity certificate issued by the Medical, Health & Family welfare department
9 Fishermen 50 Years and above.  Certified by the Department of Fisheries.
10 Single Women Married women separated / deserted above 35 years of age as on date of sanction of pension and the separation period shall be more than 1 year.
Unmarried women who are having 30 years and above in Rural and 35 years and above in urban areas.
11 Dappu Artists Beneficiary should complete 50years of age. Beneficiary list will be furnished by the Social welfare department (as per G.O.R.T. No 199 dated 30.06.18 (SWD)).
12 Traditional Cobblers Beneficiary should complete 50 years of age. Beneficiary list will be furnished by the Social welfare department (as per G.O.M.S. No 191 dated 12.11.18 (SWD)).

A (ii) Exclusion Factors:

  1. State/Central Government and PSU Employees
  2. Government employee pensioners (including PSU, Central Govt etc)
  3. Income tax payers
  4. Family having wet land more than 2.5 acres and Dry land more than 5 acres will excluded.
  5. Outsourced Employees
  6. Private salaried (monthly salaried)
  7. Four wheeler owners excluded ( exception: ownership of passenger car excluding taxi owner cum driver, small transport operators, vehicles provided as Govt assistance).
  8. Freedom Fighter pension holders

(iii) Priority shall be given to:

  1. ST households particularly PVTG Households in Agency areas
  2. SC households
  3. Daily labourers (Daily wage labourers, Agricultural Labourers, Migrated labourers)
  4. Nomadic Tribes having no permanent residence
  5. Households with destitute/orphans
  6. Households with Disabled
  7. Households of Manual Scavengers
  8. Other poor Households

(B)Selection Procedure :

  1. Application for sanction of pensions will be received by the Panchayat Secretary in Rural areas and Bill Collectors in urban areas or any redressal grievance counters at mandal/district level.
  2. The Panchayat Secretary / Bill Collector will conduct field verification. The MPDO/Municipal Commissioner will endorse for rejected applications with reasons.
  3. After scrutiny, applications will be forwarded to the MPDOs and the Municipal Commissioners.
  4. Applications will be uploaded in the MPDOs/Municipal Commissioners’ logins.
  5. The MPDOs/Municipal Commissioners will forward proposals to the Project Director, DRDA as per the allotment.
  6. The Project Director, DRDA will in turn forward the approved names SERP, AP through their login.
  7. Six step validations will be carried out for verification of eligibility criteria like White Ration card, Land, Four wheeler, Government employee and PSS survey.
  8. One pension will be considered for one ration card.

(C) Disbursement Process

  1. Pension amount will be released to the MPDOs/Municipal Commissioners every month end for disbursement in succeeding month for all categories of pensions.
  2. Village / ward level Government functionaries i.e., Panchayat secretaries, VROs / Bill Collectors or any Government functionary designated as Pension Disbursing Officer by the District Collector.
  3. The MPDO / Municipal Commissioners will issue cheque to the PDOs for pension disbursement.
  4. Tabs, Finger print scanners and IRIS devices are provided to the Pensions Disbursement Officers (PDO).
  5. GP / Ward wise e-pay order will be enabled in Tabs.
  6. The PDOs will disburse the pension from every month 1st to 5th to the pensioners duly taking aadhaar based biometric authentication of the pensioner. In case of biometric failure the PDO will authenticate on behalf of pensioner.
  7. In respect of PLHIV (ART) and CKDU Dialysis Patients undergoing treatment in Government Hospitals, the pension amount will be released to their individual SB accounts.
  8. After completion of the disbursement, the PDOs should handover the unspent amount to the MPDO / MCs by 10th of every month.
  9. The MPDO / MCs will remit the unspent amount to the PD, DRDAs account by 15th of every month.
  10. The Project Directors, DRDA will transfer the unspent amount to State Nodal Account by 20th of every month.
  11. The MPDOs and Municipal Commissioners will monitor the scheme in rural and urban areas respectively.
Sanctioning Authority :

The MPDO is the sanctioning authority for all pensions in Rural areas and the Municipal Commissioner is the sanctioning authority for all pensions in Urban areas.

Releases of Funds:

Every month funds are being released directly through (EFMS) Electronic Fund Management System to MPDOs/Municipal Commissioners YSR Pension Kunka  Accounts of  from CEO, SERP, Vijayawada.

2) Institution Building

Krishna District having 49 Mandals in DPMU. The total no. of 49 Mandal Samakhyas were formed with 2,297 Village Organisations.

No. ZS 1
No.of Mandal Samakhyas 49
No. of VOs 2297
No.of SHGs 63,667
No.of members 6,76,941
Total Savings Rs.624.02 Cr
Total Corpus Rs.731.47 Cr

3) SHG Bank Linkage

The broad vision of the program is to enable the poor households in accessing adequate formal credit at their doorsteps through their membership in SHGs. The objective of the program: Consumption smoothening or even servicing previous high cost debts Support existing livelihoods Finally, to implement Microcredit Plan (MCP), when households reach a stage where they can assume a higher degree of risk. The SHG movement in the Andhra Pradesh started in 1998, built on the principles of thrift, self-help and internal lending. The credit worthiness of these groups, which are otherwise unbanked, having no collaterals, have been built on their group discipline, repayment culture and accumulated corpus funds; and this resulted in SHG Bank linkage programme, under which, SHGs are being provided with credit by service area banks as per Micro Credit Plans of SHGs. Started in 2000, so far, the groups have availed bank loans of over Rs.50 thousand crores.

Total No. of Principle Banks in the District 21
Lead Bank-Indian Bank-No.of Branches 41
Total No.of Branches covered with SHGs in Rural 440
Total No.of Data Sharing Banks All branches


a) Emergence of StreeNidhi.

Credit needs of poor are recurring and they need small loans to meet needs of small businesses and emergent needs. Lack of innovation in products and inadequate finance are the major problems being faced by the poor for various reasons as small loans involve high transaction costs, require regular monitoring and in such a scenario are considered risky.  Credit needs of the poor are being met from banking sector under SHG – Bank linkage programme. However, due to certain issues and non – availability of adequate and timely credit from banks, MFls indiscriminately lent to SHG members and this resulted in untold misery to the poor women due to multiple lending, usurious interest rates and coercive recovery methods. After the APMFI Act’2011, MFls were not able to lend to SHGs as they were not able to adhere to the terms and conditions.  In order to fill the above credit gap and to ensure availability of timely and affordable credit to poor individuals and households whose access to credit has been affected due to cessation of lending by MFIs in the State, there was a dire need for an institution to fill the vacuum.

b) Legal Form:

“SthreeNidhi” was registered as Apex Credit Cooperative Federation Ltd, under the Andhra Pradesh Cooperative Societies Act’1964. SthreeNidhi on 7tn September 2011 and Commenced lending operations from 6th October 2011. After state separation SthreeNidhi is also separated as SthreeNidhi AP.

c) Objectives:

  1. To meet the credit needs of the SHG members through MS/VOs and TLF/SLF for income generating activities and emergent purposes like medical and educational purposes.
  2. To ensure timely credit availability to SHGs in 48 hours, through the technology basis. (Mobile phone IVRS technology).
  3. To supplement credit to SHG members while ensuring that SHGs will give first priority for availing loans from Banks under SHG-Bank linkage programme.
  4. To ensure that the poorest of the poor(POP) get credit at least of 50% of the loan disbursement.
  5. To hence the per capita income of the poor SHG members through financing the Livelihood projects and improves their living conditions.
  6. Members makes loan request to SHG and Group passes resolution and approaches Village Organisation (VO) along with resolution copy and loan documents.
  7. On satisfactory scrutiny of requests subject to different criteria prescribed, VO will load the loan requests in mobile applications using IVRS. In mobile SHG information, their codes are loaded.
  8. If funds are available at village organisation, then group will get loan immediately. Subsequently, village organization submits the details through IVRS to Sthree Nidhi and will get reimbursement from Sthree Nidhi.

d) SHG women get loan within 48hrs from Sthree Nidhi

After getting request from Village Organization Sthree Nidhi will deposit respective amount in SHG’s bank account within 48hrs.

e) Governance

The General Body (GB) is the ultimate authority to conduct affairs of the SthreeNidhi. The Governance of SthreeNidhi is vested in Managing Committee comprising of 20 Directors (13 Elected Directors from Mandal Samakhyas one from each District, 4 Members from TLFs, 3 Nominees from Govt. of Andhra Pradesh including Principal Secretary – RD, Secretary-Finance), and Managing Director of SthreeNidhi as Ex-officio CEO of SERP, and Mission Director, MEPMA are special invitees.

Deputy General Manager, and supporting staff assist the Managing Director and Board in running day-to-day affairs of the Sthree Nidhi Assistant General Managers, Managers and the Project Staff at District Level, Mandal and village level support in implementation of Sthree Nidhi activities.


a) Objective of APRIGP:

The Andhra Pradesh Rural Inclusive Growth Project (APRIGP), supported by financial assistance from the world Bank, aims at supporting the Government of AP’s goal of making the state poverty free by 2017 through a strategy of including the poor in the benefits of economic growth and human development outcomes. The objective of the project is to enable selected poor households to enhance sources of incomes and secure increased access to social entitlement. This would be achieved by supporting GOAP in scaling up the rural poverty reduction initiatives and the existing institutional plantforms of the rural poor with an emphasis on inclusive economic growth and access to social development services.


The Project will integrate the 2,50,000 small and marginal producers to increase in come at least 50% growth in 5 years, increased coverage of social safety net and social risk management programs help poor to share benefits of economic growth. The programs will be implemented in selected 7 mandals bases on social stratification, value chain potential and access to services and entitlements this will be achieved by organizing the farmers to economic organization (i.e., producer groups /organizations/companies) ensuring high quality of services like technology, credit, extension, and sustainable access to markets.


Farmer Producer Groups formed with less than 20 members in 11 APRIGP mandals, Around 100-150 Farmer Producer Groups will be formed as Farmer Producer Organization and the FPOs should be registered in APMACS Act. 1995.

d) FPO initiative Programme:

Cashew Nut Procurement process has been taken up with M/s Olam Pvt.Ltd, Visakhapatnam. The following Procurement targets are fixed up for 2017-18 and so far the procurement details is as follows.

e) Agriculture activities :
  • Looking after Agriculture activates in APRIGP Mandals (8)
  • Train the agriculture specialists, BOD FPGs and FPG members on improved best practices and crop management practices.
  • Grounding of improved best practices and with FPG members
  • In all FPOs in the district.
  • Support all FPOs in preparation of crop wise and season wise calendar.
  • Maintain good report with all agriculture and allied departments and ground the feasible schemes through convergence.
  • Train the FPO staff and board members on business plan activities and
  • Implement the business activities.
  • Train and implement the FPG members ,FPO board members and AEA on cost reduction methods and work enhance the income of members.
  • Implementation of forward and backward linkages of all FPOs in the district like collective input procurement & marketing.
  • Handhold the FPOs towards establishment of Input shops& CHCs in all FPOs in the district and monitor the business of the input shops and CHCs (CUSTOMER HIRING CENTER).
  • Exposure visits to FPG members with the financial help from KVKs.
  • To conduct trainings to FPG members on agriculture activities given by ANGRAU/DR. Y SR horticulture university.


a) Introduction:

The Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty has undertaken a new World Bank funded project called the Andhra Pradesh Rural inclusive Growth Project (APRIGP) and Rural Retail Chain is one of the subject of APRIGP mandals.

b) Objective:

The mart project works with Rural Retailiers, federating them at the mandal level, and creating a Nodal Store at the Mandal Level, from where collective procurement of products can be done. This projects thus provides four major benefits.

  • Access to better quality products at lower prices for the rural consumers.
  • Access to the Rural Market for producers.
  • improved footfall and sales for the retails.
  • Time savings for the consumers due to availability of the products at village level.


  1. Earlier, in East Godavari District stitching of school uniforms to the students who were studying in Government schools relating to Rajiv Vidhya Mission / Sarva Siksha Abhiyan being handled by private agencies.
  2. Hearing the same, an idea sparked the “why this activity should not be entrusted to SHGs” in the place of private agencies.
  3. Accordingly this idea is transformed in to reality.


  1. Before taking up this Project Conducted one workshop and invited feedback from the down level staff i.e. ACs APMs & CCs and make them realised their task.
  2. Similarly all MEOs under the control of Project Officer, RVM made aware of their role in financial facilitation apart from that coordination with all the stake holders from the side of DRDA under convergence.
  3. Prior to this identified trained SHG tailors village wise. As well as master cutters.
  4. Further established stitching Center at Mandal level under close monitoring of APMs/MMSs to look after the entire programme hassel – free.
  5. At every school level and mandal level committees are constituted to look after the proceedings in close supervision.

When we get it in to the above statistics, it is having understood that each SHG Women in the span of 20-25 days of Stitching work, on an average each SHG member gets an amount in form of stitching charges to the tune of Rs. 5500/-.


The Government of Andhra Pradesh has passed SC.ST sub plan Act – 2013 for development of poor SC.ST communities and implemented several schemes for the benefit of the SC.ST communities.

9) Pellikanuka :

a) Vision:
  1. The Vision 2029 framework of the Government of Andhra Pradesh places emphasis on inclusive development, based on the twin pivots of Samaja Vikasam and Kutumba Vikasam, aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals, aiming at holistic and inclusive development of all sections of the society.
  2. To achieve the aforesaid objectives, the Government of Andhra Pradesh is implementing various schemes & programmes for the welfare of the marginalised sections of the society.
  3. The Marriage Related Incentive Schemes (MRIS), being administered by several Government Departments constitute an important intervention for ensuring socio-economic security for the girl child, promoting the welfare of the differently abled and for promoting social harmony through incentives for inter caste marriages.
  1. To enable better beneficiary facilitation, the registration of Pelli Kaanuka (PK) applications at Mee Seva Centers  dispensed w.e.f. 01 October, 2018.
  2. From 01 October, 2018 onwards, the registrations under PK shall be accepted only at the ‘PK Registration-cum-Help Desks’, set up by SERP and MEPMA at the Mandal Mahila Samakhya (Velugu offices) and MEPMA (Municipality Offices) respectively.
  3. A graded incentive of Rs. 150/- shall be provided per application towards registration, monitoring and help desk services being provided at the Mandal Mahila Samakhya offices and MEPMA Municipality offices w.e.f.the inception of the Pelli Kaanuka-Single Desk, from PK administrative costs.
  4. The minimum time period for PK registration is reduced from 15 days before date of marriage to 10 days before the date of marriage.
  1. There income restriction in respect of Bridegrooms is removed. Bridegrooms belonging to ‘Above the Poverty Line’ category shall henceforth be eligible under the scheme, subject to the bride belonging to the ‘Below the Poverty Line’ category.
  2. Bridegrooms belonging to the (5) neighbouring States of Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Telangana shall be permitted to apply under
  3. Pelli Kaanuka, subject to the bride being a resident of Andhra Pradesh and the marriage being performed in A.P.
  4. If bridegroom is not from Andhra Pradesh and is from any of the (5) neighbouring States permitted above, regardless of the caste/ community/ differently-abled status of the bridegroom, the marriage incentive shall be sanctioned as follows:
S.No Bride Community Applicable Marriage Incentive (Rs.)
1 Scheduled Caste Rs. 40,000/-
2 Scheduled Tribe Rs. 50,000/-
3 Backward Class Rs. 35,000/-
4 Minority Rs. 50,000/-
5 Differently-Abled Rs. 1,00,000/-
6 APBOCWWB member


daughter of APBOCWWB member

Rs. 40,000/-, if SC
7 Rs. 50,000/-, if ST or Minority
8 Rs. 35,000/-, if BC
9 Rs.20,000/-, if OC


Income eligibility: White Ration Card is being used to ascertain the ‘Below the Poverty Line’ status. In case White Ration Card is not available, a valid Mee Seva Income Certificate shall be considered.


  1. The marriage incentive release is de-linked from the issuance of the Marriage Certificate with immediate effect. The (80)% marriage incentive shall be released after the marriage photo has been uploaded by the Kalyana Mitra, as part of the Marriage Verification (MV).
  2. In case of non-issuance of the Marriage Certificate on valid grounds, the marriage incentive already released shall be recovered, in respect of all cases since the inception of the scheme.

10) PMJJBY Bima

The Government of AP have notified accident death and disability Insurance Scheme to the all the unorganized workers in the State. The said scheme came into operation on 02.10.2016, the 2 nd year Chandranna Bima Scheme called as PMJJBY Chandranna Bima with more benefits has been launched by the Hon’ble Chief Minister on 02.10.2017 and 3rd year Chandranna Bima Scheme was launched by the Hon’ble Chief Minister on 01.06.2018.

The main object of the scheme is to provide relief to the families of unorganized workers in case of death or disability of the unorganized worker leaving the families in great distress. The enrolment of unorganized workers was taken up by Praja Sadhikaara Survey-2016 (Pulse Survey) by the Government in Revenue Department. 2.08 crore unorganized workers enrolled through Praja Sadhikaara Survey have been covered under Chandranna Bima 1 st year scheme. In 2017 Praja Sadhikaara Survey has been conduct in October to cover the left over eligible unorganized workers and in the 2 nd year Chandranna Bima Scheme called i.e PMJJBY Chandranna Bima 2.46 crore unorganized workers are covered.

a) Details of PMJJBY :-

Coverage of 2.46 crore unorganized workers.

  1. Convergence of Central Schemes, Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyothi Bima Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana and Aam Admi Bima Yojana with Chandranna Bima.
  2. Scheme Benefits: Rs.2 lakh for 18-50 years and Rs.30,000/- for 51-60 years towards natural death, Rs.5 lakh for accident death and total disability and Rs.2.50 lakh for partial disability for 18-70 years.Scholarship Rs.1,200/- for children (up to two children) studying 9th, 10th, Inter and ITI.
  3. Total online claim settlement process. Rs.5,000/- paid within (2) days towards funeral expenses and total balance amount paid on 11th day or 13th day death ceremony.
b) Eligibility:

All unorganized workers in the State in the age group of 18 to 70 years, drawing monthly wage of Rs.15,000/- per month or less enrolled through Praja Sadhikaara Survey are eligible under Chandranna Bima Scheme.

c) Age wise – Eligibility Criteria:
Sl.No Age Group Normal Accidental Fully Disability Partial Disability Scholarship
1 18-50 2,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000 2,50,000 1,200
2 51-60 30,000 5,00,000 5,00,000 2,50,000 1,200
3 61-70 5,00,000 5,00,000 2,50,000

d)A Detailed Note on Social Security Interventions in the District

i) Need:

It is recorded that more than 200 poor people who are the head or bread winners of the SHG members’ families are dying every day in the State of Andhra Pradesh. In the District of Krishna alone more than  six people are dying every day.  Eventually, the rural poor families face enormous problems, if they loose their bread winner due to untimely death. The loss of head or bread winner leaves the family in a shudder to fight for survival. The family comes under severe stress and shock, both psychological and economic. As an upshot, the households end up in a disastrous situation. The family is flung into irrecoverable abject poverty.

ii) Vision:

The Self Help Groups and their federations envisions that even the poorest of the poor including the landless agricultural laborers deserve an access to relevant and affordable   insurance and social security nets by massification and be protected from risks on death/disability and to secure dignified life to SHG women by providing income security in their old age and  to support their children financially  for continuation of education by means of scholarships.

iii) Mission:

Government’s  mission is to empower the Self Help Groups and their federations / Community Based Organization (CBOs) to play an active role in the implementation of social security interventions, to reduce peoples vulnerabilities through diversified social security measures, to protect their income and asset base, by creating an enabling environment for self management by the community itself with appropriate project facilitation.

iv) Objectives:

  • To provide insurance cover to all landless agricultural labourers under Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana (AABY)
  • To provide insurance cover to all SHG women under  Janashree Bima Yojana (JBY)
  • To provide cattle insurance services to all the poorest of the poor farmers
  • To provide group insurance SHG member against loan availing from the banks so as to project the institutions of the poor and to provide comfort to the family members from repayment of her loan.
  • To ensure the continuity of education for all the eligible children of the insured members by financially supporting with scholarships.
  • To establish well furnished web-based Call Centres with IT support to ensure effective and efficient service delivery.
  • Ensure high quality decision support/monitoring/tracking system using the available IT resources like Web, SMS facilities.
  • To establish Central Record Keeping Agencies (CRAs) in the District to safeguard the physical and digital data for a longer time.
  • To develop and position a cadre of sensitive support social capital called ‘Bima  Mithras’ who are  the  active SHG members to provide ‘Quick and Quality Services to the insured community of members at their door steps through Call Centre and Bima Mithras
  • To create awareness to the community to access the insurance services by way of enabling them to report the demise of any insured person immediately
  • To harness the provisions of National Social Security fund for all the eligible members.
  • To develop vibrant CBO structure –sub-committees at Zilla Samakhya, Mandal Samakhya, Village Organization and SHG level.
  • To empower one member from all the SHGs in the State of Andhra Pradesh  as ‘Social Security Point Member’   to coordinate  with MS /Call Centre with regard to all the social security aspects /issues pertains to the rest of the members of her SHG, like enrolment/ renewals/ distribution of scholarships / pensions /Claim settlements / procurement of documents etc.

v) Activities (Schemes)


A group insurance scheme for the benefit of rural land less labourers through Life insurance Corporation of India.

  • It is group insurance scheme for the age group of 18-59 years.
  • Member should be rural land less agriculture labourers and their primary livelihood source is agriculture labour.
  • Member should be head of the family or one of the earning members in the family.
Premium charges
  • Total premium of Rs.320/- in which State government contributes Rs 160/- and equal amount will be contributed by GOI.
  • A member has to contribute only Rs. 15 towards service charges of Zilla Samakhya for providing Insurance Services.

All the SHG women who are covered under Abhaya Hastham are eligible in this scheme.

Premium charges
  • Total premium is Rs.150/- of which Rs.75/- is paid by GOI and the remaining Rs.75 is deducted by LIC from the contribution made under Abhaya Hastham scheme.
  • Each member shall pay Rs.15/- towards service charges to respective Zilla Samakhyas in addition to the premium mentioned above.
  • For natural death Rs.30,000/-
  • For Accidental death Rs75000/-
  • For permanent total disability Rs.75,000/-
  • For permanent partial disability Rs.37,500/-
  • Under Shiksha Sahayog Yojana, a student study scholarship benefit of Rs.100 per month is provided for the children of the JBY members, studying between 9th and 12th standard including ITI.
iii) Co-contributory Pension and Insurance Scheme
Objective and purpose

The pension scheme envisages providing income security to the SHG women who are 60 years and above.  It envisages that a member would contribute Re.1/- per day per member and Government of Andhra Pradesh (GoAP) would also contribute Re.1/- per day per contributing member and GoAP would ensure a minimum pension of Rs.500/- per month to every SHG member aged above 60 years.

  • All Indira Kranthi Patham (IKP) recognized SHG women, from rural and urban areas.
  • Should be a currently active SHG member and been a member for at least a year (SHG member by 1/06/2008).
  • Holder of white ration card.
  • The SHG should recommend the case of the member and certify the age of the member through a resolution and sufficient documentation.
Conditions and Premiums
  • The SHG women have to opt for the Scheme and shall apply to the SHG.
  • Member can make a minimum contribution of Re. 1 per day and government would co-contribute Re. 1 per day.
  • Contribution is on annual basis, it is to be paid at the beginning of the each year by depositing the amount into respective pension account bank.
  • Members above the age of 50 years, along with their regular contribution, will have to ensure that they contribute minimum of 10 years worth contribution (Rs 3650) by the age of 60, so as to become eligible to draw pension.
  • Each member would become eligible for minimum monthly pension of Rs. 500 or above, subject to fulfilment of conditions to be prescribed, on crossing the 60 years of age, depending on the number of years of contribution and quantum of contribution made by the member.
  • All women between 18 to 59 years (Now age limit is reduced to only 50 years) enrolled under Abhaya Hastham are by default becomes the members of JBY scheme and they would be entitled to receive insurance and scholarship benefits as applicable in JBY.
  • On death of the subscriber during the contributory phase (less than 60 years), the available contributions of the subscriber and the government’s co-contribution along with accrued earnings on such contributions shall be transferred to the nominee of the subscriber. And also the insurance benefit would be transferred to the nominee.
  • On death of the member during the pension payout phase (60+ years), the available contributions of the subscriber and the government’s co-contribution along with accrued earnings shall be transferred to the nominee of the subscriber.
iv) Cattle Insurance :

Livestock is the primary livelihood activity as well as asset for resource poor households in rural AP. In addition to that, more than 40 percent of rural credit flow is towards supporting the livestock sector and hence managing the risks within the sector is very critical.  Moreover, a substantial amount of the loans transacted among the SHG members are for the purpose of  purchase of Milch animals.  The untimely loss due to death of an animal, which they consider as a source of income, is rendering the SHG women helpless with regard to loan repayments.   The livestock insurance leverages on the capacities built in the community to manage insurance schemes as in the case of insurance against death and disability. Cattle insurance program which is being piloted in Vizianagaram District would be implemented across the state soon.


As the livestock insurance is protecting the loans of the poor, it would make the community to stretch the ability of the poor for enhanced asset-creation for continuous livelihoods through livestock insurance.


All the cattle of the SHG women, which have at least once been pregnant.

Conditions, Premiums and benefits
  • Each animal can be insured annually for on the value of the animal.
  • The premium is at the rate of Rs. 2 per Rs. 100 cover.
  • Each animal has to be proposed by VO president and seconded by MS sub-committee
  • ZS sub-committee would underwrite the policy. And is re-insured by United Insurance Company.
v) Loan Insurance

The Self Help Groups in the State of Andhra Pradesh have created a history by covering about 95% of the rural BPL households. They have transformed themselves as a strong self managed front line Community Based Development-Oriented Financial Institutions. The key functions of those CBOs are social and financial intermediation on one hand and community development on the other hand with an emphasis on sustainable livelihoods. Over a period of 4 years an amount of Rs. 12000 Crores has been given as under the SHG Bank Linkage Program with ‘Pavalavaddi’.

In the light of bank linkage program with ‘Pavalavaddi’ huge amount of money is transacted by the SHG members in the name of total financial inclusion covering even the swapping of old debts. AP leads in SHG Bank Linkage Program with 35% of all bank loans given to SHGs in India. The bankers of AP comfortable and are testifying that the recovery rate is 99%. In this back drop, as a natural evolution of their financial inclusion, SHG women evinced interest in insuring the loans taken by the members from the Commercial Banks or from their own federations as a safety net against financial risks in the event of natural and accidental mishaps, to protect their children or family members from debt traps.

vi) Objective
  • To protect the family members of an SHG member for financial risks, in the event of her death
  • To safeguard the institution of SHG from repayment burden, when a borrowing members dies
  • To ensure the perpetuity of the SHG, providing loan insurance to all the borrowing members
  • To ensure 100% repayment at all levels even in the turbulence time and to  increase the size of loans to SHG members, by creating  a confidence among the Bankers.
Conditions and premium
  • All SHG women taken SHG Bank linkage
  • Age between 18 to 59 years
  • A premium of 0.45% per annum on loan taken by the members including service charges.

In the event of unfortunate event resulting in death of the member, the claim amount will be used to repay her outstanding and also payoff her loan instalments paid till that day.

e) Call Centre:
i) State level Centralized Call Centre

A centralized and comprehensive Call Centre is  set up at state level with a  unique toll-free telephone numbers (155321)  for the purpose of providing  quality and timely services to the poor, including insurance services  The centralized Call Centre shall coordinate with District level call Centres for more effective and efficient services to the poor.

ii) District Call Centre

In the Districts an exclusive Call Centre is established for the implementation of these interventions in the premises of DRDA-IKP. The Zilla Samakhya shoulders responsibility of operations of the Call Centre which is the hub of all the insurance interventions at district level, administered and managed by the Zilla Samakhya with the support of five trained human resources. The Call Centre is equipped with infrastructure like, Computers with broad band internet facility, scanners, printer etc. All the information is stored in the computer and managed with the support of software ‘Call Centre Manager’ specifically designed for this purpose.

iii) Bima Mithras

Bima Mithra is a sensitive support social capital selected from among the active SHG members who are  willing to visit the bereaved families and provide them an interim relief of Rs.5000/- as soon as they receive the intimation from Call Centres. They are identified from the mandal where ever ATMs are located. The payment of Rs.5000/- shall be made by Bima Mithras through ATMs in general and where ever, it is not possible, payment shall be made through VO within 12 hrs but it shall be reimbursed by ZS immediately.   Thus, for each and every Mandal in the District Bima Mithras are functioning to provide quick and quality services to the insured community at their door steps. There are 36 Bima Mithras in the District

iv) Web-Managed Data Base:
In order to achieve the transparency, accountability & effectiveness in the implementation of interventions, SERP has established Web Based MIS and claim settlement system. The Call Centre is connected to this web site through internet, where in all the claim particulars and claim documents   uploaded on day to day basis.   The LIC has introduced electronic-claim settlement system for speedy disposal of the claim and a dedicated satellite office at Hyderabad has been created by LIC for this purpose and shall have regular access for down loading the documents.   It is a public domain which can be accessed by any individual (common man) to track the status of claim settlement process not only the Government & LIC.    The web site contains member, village, mandal, district, gender, caste   wise details. It projects member’s profiles and generates all types of analytical reports basing on age and other parameters.  It also contains list of children eligible for scholarship with details like their class, schools and place. The status of payment of scholarships etc.

v) Service Delivery System :

To provide quick and quality services to the most vulnerable landless agricultural /poor households   is the utmost concern of the Government. Hence, SERP shall lay down the following procedure for this purpose in the implementation of the schemes.

  • As soon as an insured member dies the Village Organization shall intimate at Call Centre within 1 hour.
  • Call Centre shall direct Bima Mithra to visit the family. Then Bima Mithra along with Mandal Samakhya Sub-Committee member shall visit the family within 12 hours and pay Rs.5000/- after inquiry and fills the Claim Application / Discharge forms. Bima Mithra shall get the signatures of the bereaved Nominee and informs them to submit the required Certificates with 5- 6 days.
  • The Village Organization sub-committee member shall follow up for obtaining the Certificates.
  • Bima Mithra with help of Village Organization shall collect the Certificates and send the Claim Application forms with all the required Certificates to the Mandal Insurance Point Person (Project Field Functionary) who will verify the documents with check list within 5-6 days.
  • Call Centre Operator shall scan the documents and upload in the web-portal by on-line
  • LIC shall verify the claims Documents and remit the amount depending on the type of death to SERP through on line. And SERP shall remit the final amount to the nominee account through online.
f) Implementation Strategy
i) Support Structure at State level

At SERP level a separate Social Security Unit consisting of one Director, one State Project Adviser (SPA), five Project Mangers / Executives  to design, implement and monitor the schemes by providing hand holding  / facilitation support to the Districts from time to time at awareness, enrolment, data entry, claim settlement etc. For close monitoring of the implementation of the schemes and provide hands on the job  for the Districts, and to have easy access  to the SPMU by the DPMs, all the Project Managers are  entrusted with 4- 5 districts.

ii) Support Structure at District level

At District level exclusively, District Project Managers are positioned in each of the 22 Districts with responsibility to provide facilitation support for the Zilla Samakhyas in the implementation all the schemes and over all coordination with SPMU and Mandal Samakhyas. In addition to the DPMs, Assistant Project Mangers (APMs) are positioned in all the 22 Districts with responsibility of supporting the ZS-Sub-committees in  Call Centre management, particularly claim settlement process, financial management, facilitation to ZS sub-committee members while reviewing the Bima Mithra  etc.

iii) Support Structure at Mandal (Block) level:

The APMs /MS Coordinators and respective field functionaries are   responsible for implementation of the scheme at Mandal /Village level.

iv) CBO Structure:

  • Zilla Samakhya(ZS):

    Besides Project Management functionaries like District Project Mangers(DPM), Assistant Project Manager (APM) at District level and Community Coordinators for each of 36 Mandals,  Zilla Samakhya   have formed Social Security  Sub-committees consisting of 4-5 members including 2 ZS Office Bearers (OB)   exclusively for day to day management of Call Centre and resolving the issues raised by the community relating to the implementation like enrolment, claim settlement, scholarships  etc.

  • Mandal Samakhya (MS):

    At MS level Social Security Sub-committees have been constituted with three MS EC members to shoulder the responsibility of implementation and monitoring the process. The sub-committee is also responsible for positioning of Bima Mithras and to accompany Bima Mithras while they visit to bereaved families for payment of interim relief and documentation of claim proposals. Sub-committees shall convene a Monitoring Committee meeting to review the claim settlement process once in a month with Police department, Medical Officer, Mandal Parishad Development Officer (MPDO) etc for issue of Death Certificates, Post-mortem Reports, and FIR etc.

  • Village Organization (VO):

    At VO level also sub-committees are formed with two members from VO EC to facilitate the community with regard to intimation of death to Call Centre, obtaining the Death Certificates from the GP Secretaries. The VO level sub-committees are also responsible for creating awareness at the time of enrolment/ renewals, distribution of monthly pensions, distribution of scholarships and to review all the issues pertaining to social security schemes in the regular/monthly VO meetings.

  • SHG level Social Security Point Member:

    One active / educated member from each and every   SHGs is empowered as a ‘Social Security Point Member/person’   to coordinate with MS /Call Centre with regard to all the social security aspects /issues pertains to the rest of the members of her SHG, like enrolment/ renewals/ distribution of scholarships / pensions /Claim settlements / procurement of documents etc. She will facilitate all her respective SHG members at the time of enrolment / renewal etc and also she will act as a point person between Call Centre and the client / insured member.  All the phone numbers of such SHG members shall be kept at Call Centre for intimation of any information.

g) Reviews & Monitoring
  • As the entire process of claim settlement is web- based, the web-based analytical reports are reviewed to assess the performance of the Mandals on daily basis.
  • Every month State Level Review meetings are held with DPMs/APMs/ ZS-Insurance Sub-committee members.
  • Monthly Area Cluster level Reviews are held with all the field functionaries
  • Monthly District level Reviews are held with MS Coordinators/ Area Coordinators during /after Zilla Samakhya Meeting.
  • Monthly Reviews are held with Bima Mithras by ZS-Insurance Sub-committee members
  • Bi-monthly Reviews are held with Community Coordinators, Social Security.
  • DPM and ZS-Sub-committee shall visit the villages / Mandals on the basis of low performance or on demand by the respective Mandals for hand holding support.
Contacts :
Sl. No. Name of the Officer Division / Mandal attached Landline


2 YSR Pellikanuka
3 Bank Linkage
4 Streenidhi
5 Livelihoods