Role & Functionality of Dept.:
- The vision of the department is ecologically healthy, economically viable and socially beneficial Inland Fisheries, Marine Fisheries and progressive aquaculture sector that generates livelihood to traditional fishermen, Economic activity to farmers and earn foreign exchange by exports and provide fish for all.
- Development of Fisheries is well known as “Blue Revolution” has made rapid growth in Marine, Inland and Aqua culture sector in the recent years.
- Krishna District occupies a first place with regard to fisheries and fishery sector in A.P and endowed with rich Marine, Inland and Brackish water Fishery Resources.
Development activities:-
- Production and supply of fish seed.
- Implementation of various schemes for development of Inland fisheries, Marine fisheries and Aquaculture sector.
- Imparting training in Modern Trends in Fisheries and sustainable Aquaculture.
Regulatory activities:-
- Leasing and Licensing of public water bodies for development of fishery.
- Registration and Regularization of fresh water aquaculture.
- Regularization of coastal aquaculture as per the guidelines of CAA Act 2005.
- Implementation of MS Act for registration of sea going fishing craft.
- Conservancy of fishery resources.
Welfare activities:-
- Organisation of Fishermen Cooperative Societies.
- Implementation of Fishermen Housing Scheme.
- Subsidy Schemes to traditional fishermen.
- Creation of infrastructure.
- Fishing Ban relief to marine fishermen.
Statistical Information:-
Sl. No. |
Criteria |
Statistics |
1 |
Length of Coast Line |
111 K.M. |
2 |
No. of Coastal Mandals |
04 |
3 |
No.of Coastal Fishermen Villages/ Habitations |
64 |
4 |
Total Extent of freshwater Aqua culture |
51425.1 Ha. |
5 |
Total No.of FW Aquacutlure Farmers |
45812 |
6 |
Total Extent of Brackish water aquaculture |
13433.06 Ha. |
7 |
Total No.of BW Aquacutlure Farmers |
12422 |
8 |
Fishermen Population |
1,12,977 |
9 |
Active Fishermen |
38,914 |
10 |
Fishing Crafts |
1885 (Mechanized-111,Motorized-1753 and country crafts -21= 1885) |
11 |
Total No.of Fishermen Cooperative Societies |
377 (Membership 38,580)(Inland =238, Marine=50 Women=89) |
12 |
No.of Fish Seed Farms |
17 (Govt-04, Private-13) |
13 |
Fish Seed Production capacity |
25 Crores |
14 |
No.of Fish Landing Centers |
23 |
15 |
No.of Shore Communication (VHF) Stations |
(1) at Fishing Harbour,Gilakaladindi |
16 |
No.of Shrimp Hatcheries (Private) |
10 |
17 |
No.of Ice Plants |
39 |
18 |
No.of Shrimp processing plants |
10 |
19 |
Aqua Labs |
48 |
20 |
Feed Plants |
13 |
21 |
Aqua Shops(feed & Drugs) |
248 |
22 |
No of Reservoir |
1 |
23 |
No of Minor Irrigation Tanks |
230 |
24 |
No of Grama Panchayat Tanks |
2825 |
25 |
Total Water Spread area |
13,300 Hec. |

Sl. No. |
Name of the Officer |
Division / Mandal attached |
Landline / Mobile |
1 |
Sri Sk. Lal Mohammad |
Joint Director of Fisheries, Krishna |
9440814731 |
2 |
Sri G. Radha Krishna |
Deputy Director of Fisheries, Machilipatnam |
9848432511 |
3 |
Sri K V S Nagalingacharyulu |
Deputy Director of Fisheries, Gudivada |
9440814733 |
4 |
Smt. C. S. Chakrani |
Asst. Director of Fisheries, Vijayawada |
9848945191 |
5 |
Sri Naga Babu Chennu |
Asst. Director of Fisheries, Bantumilli |
9912061976 |
6 |
Sri L B S Vardhan |
Asst. Director of Fisheries, Aqua Lab, Kaikaluru |
9493006998 |
7 |
T. Purnaiah |
Asst. Director of Fisheries, Machilipatnam |
9985447405 |
8 |
Sri B Ramesh Babu |
Asst. Director – Administration |
8297357357 , 08672-222853 |