About District
Krishna District with its district headquarters at Machilipatnam is the coastal district of Andhra Pradesh. It was formerly called as Machilipatnam District. Later it was renamed as Krishna District after the holy river Krishna, by adding certain Taluks of the abolished Guntur District in 1859. Again in 1925, Krishna District was further divided into Krishna and West Godavari Districts. There are no changes in its jurisdiction except some minor changes (in Divi Taluk and Munagala Paragana). Further Again in 2022 Krishna District was divided into Krishna and NTR Districts.
It was surrounded on the East by Bay of Bengal West by Guntur and North by Eluru and NTR Districts and South by Bay of Bengal.
The District is divided into 25 Mandals covering 3 Revenue Divisions viz., 1.Bandar 2. Gudivada and 3. Vuyyuru. The Delta land is being irrigated by Prkasam Barrage canals of River Krishna.
The population of the District is 1735079 comprising of 486 inhabited and 16 uninhabited villages. It took third rank in population density (518 per Sq.Km). There are 3 Municipalities viz., 1. Pedana 2. Gudivada 3. Vuyyuru and one Municipal Corporation in Machilipatnam.
15° 71’ N and 16° 47’ N
80° 71’ and 81° 54’ of E
3,773 Sq. Kms
Coastal Line
88 Kms
Bay of Bengal
Guntur district
Eluru and NTR districts
Bay of Bengal

The famous river Krishna is flowing in this district. Krishna being a great and sacred river of South Indian likes Godavari and Kavery. The Major Stream is Budameru flowing in this District.

Tropical Climate conditions with extreme hot summer and cold winter prevail in this district. April to June is the hottest months with high temperature in May. The monsoon usually breaks in the middle of June and brings good rains up to middle of October. The normal rainfall of this district is 1047.68 M.M, 2/3rds of which is received through the South West monsoon. The average rainfall recorded during the year 2019-20 it is 868.37 M.M.

Three types of soils viz., 1. Black soil which constitute 57.6% of the villages 2. Sandy Clayloams with 22.3% and 3. Red loamy with 19.4% of the villages are prevalent in this district, while a small sandy soils constitute 0.7% fringes on the sea coast.

Endowed with a rich variety of soils, the district occupies an important place in Agriculture which is the most important occupation and paddy is the main food crop produced. While 2019-20 the gross cropped area of the district was 3.76 Lakh Hects of which gross irrigated area was 2.42 lakh Hects.

The District is well served by Roads and Railways. 502 villages (including some of the major hamlets) have been connected with transport facilities Gudivada is the Major Railway Junction in the District and Machilipatnam is the Major Station in the District.
District has an aerodrome at Gannavaram.
A minor sea port is at Machilipatnam.

Krishna District has recorded a literacy of 73.75 as per 2011 census. This district is much advanced in the field of education. Almost all the villages in the district are having primary schools. NTR Medical University is located at Vijayawada.
1. Sulphur : Kona in Machilipatnam Mandal.